Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Nobel peace prize for Global Warming

"For nearly 30 years, India and Bangladesh have argued over control of a tiny rock island in the Bay of Bengal. Now rising sea levels have resolved the dispute for them: the island's gone."

Global warming deserves a Noble peace prize. What humans cannot do(bring peace on country land disputes) global warming was able to do. This solutions looks reasonable to both party's. Without any grudge the two country's can live on. I hope Global warming can bring similar peace between other nations too like Israel-Palestine, India-Pakistan etc etc


  1. do you want a ocean between indian and pakistan ?

  2. I agree. Global Warming has a better case for the peace prize than Obama who only had to show his intention for making peace and spend the rest of his tenure for domestic issues like Healthcare, Immigration, etc.

    But the peace that you are hoping for will not come before it becomes irrelevant. I think the problem lies in political sentiment about disputed territories. Nations are willing to pass the buck till the last generation without conceding their interest in conflicts that originated due to natural resources. The governments who design foreign policy do not mind status quo as long as it keeps alive the hope for retaining power.
